Friday 19 July 2019

The Light

There are days............And there are days.

Know thyself and you will know others.

Know others as others would know you.

Deny thyself/Destroy Thyself.

Sign on the line.


The road is long.

She's crying.


Breaking heart bleeding there. 


120 km's an hour.

Screaming out the window.

You stay bastard.

How dare you do this now?

(Tu me déteste....)

I drive. Words.





Love, Hate, Relate.

Reason is power.

Gnothi Seauton.

(silence is golden)

And neccessary...

The love of one another gets camouflauged in grey and black.

My shadow ... now unavailable.

This page, these letters, help me remember...

The time I helped myself and another by standing up...

For love. life.

My heart is broken... and was broken before it was broken. I Loved Wholly.

Now I will go alone with my shadow and say to him:

'Follow me, don't be afraid of the light.'

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