Saturday, 29 November 2008

Things that are not known

brought out by brilliant blind
instructed out of saliva
hiding between the glands unseen
lay the wastes of our tastes

open the enormous gates
and let the flood beg to squeeze through

close the atmosphere
and let the air be trapped forever

the wastes of our tastes
unseen between the glands hiding
salivating and instructed
brought out by brilliant blind

Friday, 28 November 2008

Beutiful Ground (Jeds other poem)

i'm a big grandaddy fan and i found this amazing video on the youtube.

"Jed's Other Poem is the official music video for Grandaddy's song of the same name.
This song serves as a eulogy for Jeddy-3, a humanoid robot built from spare parts. He is a recurring character on Grandaddy's record "The Sophtware Slump." According to Grandaddy before Jed's system crashed he wrote poems. Poems for no one.Programmed entirely in Applesoft BASIC on a vintage 1979 Apple ][+ with 48K of RAM, a computer so old it has no hard drive or mouse and only types in capitals. The Jed source code is available for download making it the first open-source music video. Cinematography by Jeff Bernier."

tonigHht iy unNwindb ... miy miynd

i can hear and wear and tear and bubble form the world around me
never fear the bars and waves projecting what we're thinking
get inside the strings of life and filter out the bad so good can
understand whats living in the cities of our minds.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Ink (in haiku series)

throw that look around a little more so pronounced i'd love to eat you my haiku don't die they only get so buried but this one will sigh i could fall into some jar of ink like the plume and write down your name stay inside sweet frame attracting the reaction all over again

Friday, 21 November 2008

Monkey Gone To Heaven

Words from the greatest band of all time.

The Pixies

there was a guy
an under water guy who controlled all the sea
got killed by ten million pounds of sludge
from new york and new jersey
this monkey's gone to heaven

the creature in the sky
got sucked in a hole
now there's a hole in the sky
and the ground's not cold
and if the ground's not cold
everything is gonna burn
we'll all take turns
i'll get mine, too
this monkey's gone to heaven

if man is 5
then the devil is 6
and if the devil is 6...

then god is 7, then god is 7, then god is 7...

this monkey's gone to heaven.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Is Tim Hortons a cultural icon of Canada?

Me personallllllly

I think that timmys SHOULDN'T be a cultural icon in Canada as much as MC'DONALDS, SHOULDN'T be the OFFICIAL RESTAURANT of the OLYMPIC GAMES. How F*&^%d is that!

cashling cashling cashling cashling cashling cashling cashling.

Cultural Icon? It's Coffee and Donuts People!

Where is Bill Hicks when you need him!

I know the logo is a little harsh and I do not endorse genocide in any way shape or form.

Canadian Cultural Icons should be things that benefit Canadians and Canadian knowledge. Wether it is creating a new movement in culture or the preservation of a culture.
Tim Horton the MAN is an icon i can appreciate that. but Coffee and Donuts?
what about Poutine.....i won't even go there.
i leave it to these to be our best icons ever

Keep your head up!

Friday, 7 November 2008

search for the spaces (words to Ponderosa by Tricky)

The place where... ...Where I stand

The place where I stand gives way to liquid lino
Underneath the weeping willow lies a weeping wino
The place where I stand gives way to liquid lino
Underneath the weeping willow lies a weeping wino

The mighty crowd
Search for their spaces
And turn around time's gone
Take ten paces
Can't make head or tail of it
I drink till I'm drunk
And I smoke till I'm senseless.
You see in black and white
Feel in slow motion
I drown myself in sorrow
Until I wake up tomorrow
The illusion of confusion
It's not from where I am sat
Recircle recycle resemble me
Different levels of the devil's company

They lead us outside
take us out quietly
To the cage through the barrrs
You see scars
Results of my rage

You see in black and white, feel in slow motion,
I drown myself in sorrow, until I wake up tomorrow

The illusion of confusion is not from where I am sat
(it's not from where I'