Monday, 31 May 2010

tunes (in haiku series)

don't ever dive in
until you're up to your ears
trying hard to breath

just stick a toe in
then see how cold it can get
you will soon adjust

temperatures can
be all sortsa kinda wack
internally now

some barometers
have very high low standards
darkest of places

find ninja ways out
bringing blades of balancing
back into effect

thanks for some good times
securley snug as a bug
in the deepest rug



Monday, 17 May 2010

the next track (skalpel 1958) {After last post} Merci Skalpel

have to share....................amazing

( nothing ) is not fragile? That shouldn't be too bad.

i saw it
instead of it
being not seen
i saw it clean

behind the screen
of beep beep
scanning creeps
inside the peoples

threw it out
into doubting surface
skimming water=elegance
how many makes zero0

mixed homogonized ways
noise in records of polish
noisemakers instruments
=making me write this

let them play their jazz records, and dance all night if they want to.

Sunday, 16 May 2010


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the church of slack!
I've come to you today to save you from the perils of evil.
The clutches of sin!
And the devils and daemons lurking from within.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I come before you today and i present the worlds
first guilt free religion!
That's right boys and girls, no more waking up early on sunday morning,
it's all about believing in yourself!
I said it's all about believing in yourself!
I said it's all about believing in yourself!
Now listen up closely and listen to me,
and i'll make sure you spend the rest of your life bullshit-free!
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, everybody out there, listen to me right now.
I want you to put your hand on the stereo.
Put your hand on the speaker.
Not that speaker, the other speaker!
Put your hand on the speaker.
I want you to put your hands in the air where i can see them.
And I want you to repeat after me:
I am somebody!
I said i am somebeody!
And i'm gonna believe in myself!
I am somebody!
And i'm gonna shake my ass."

From The Slackers album °Wasted Days° 2001

Saturday, 8 May 2010

le weekend (in haiku series)

spring rain is so slow
gifts in drops returning life
indoor day for cats
rain stops at moments
blades of grass to be eaten
are at every turn