Tuesday, 21 April 2015

n o n e b e g i n (in haiku series)

lovely atmosphere                                                  clouds are whispering
           blue has your sky in its hands                                                  songs of windy winters past
there is no limit                                                       float notes forever

spring can stay today                                              diving through heartfelt
           saying what birds play away                                             chasing breezes fly upward
high up hirondelles                                                 quickly disappear

joyous instants sing                                                 taking pictures for
           to worlds dreams i inspire                                                  seeing everything embrace
breathing all my life                                                everyone alive

lay down on my grass                                             earth dances slowly
           watch a galaxy go by                                                         spinning everywhere between             
love without moving                                               here or there we stare

                                                           s t a i g h t  i n t o  s p a c e
                                                s e a s o n s  e n d  w h e r e  n o n e  b e g i n
                                                           s t a r s  s h i n e  t h e i r  d a r k  l i g h t