Chaotic traffic hums. 727 prepares for landing. Fingers laptop tap-dancing. The sniffle of my girlfriend. Coffee on my breath. A Crow caws. Silence except the city. The tap-dancing slows. A gust of wind chills my toes, waltzing across my arm-hairs. Tickling and itching. The morning light indirectly floods the room through the skylight. The same one that highlighted that sweet full moon last night. The laptop whirs quietly. She clears her throat. We say nothing. We just sit. I write. Her fingers tap-dance on her clavier. I watch her little finger pointing in the air, far away as if the rest of her fingers were holding a cup of tea, not tap-dancing. 'I Love You'. I say. ' I Love You Too' She says. 'I love you more.' I say. 'I love you more too.' She says.