Sunday, 14 February 2021

who dreams the dreamer?




when you can be yourself
you can love yourself
 when you can breathe yourself
you can free yourself

 when you can care for you
you can care for them
 when you care for them
you care for you

 when you calm your mind
your mind will calm you
 when you organize your thought
your thought will organize you

 when you can let it go
it will let go of you
 when you can accept it
it will accept it

 when you're in danger
fear is a choice
 feed that fear
it will eat you

 when you're in love
there is no choice
 love chose you
you did not choose love

 act on it or regret it
don't talk about it
 be about it
just be yourself

 when you dream
the dream dreams you
 the dream dreams the dreamer
the dream is you