Monday, 6 September 2021

In honor of my 'Grampa', William (Bill) Crane 1930-2021



Grampa passed peacefully after breakfast. 5 September 2021. around 11o'clock.



Whistled to make the car go.

Knew every riddle ever.

Had a stack of televisions all on different channels, because he was sick of changing the channels.

Lived in the same apartment all MY life. Was given an award as the longest resident of the building. It was always smelling like Roast 'something-or-other'

King of the Slippery Room.

Filled a binder with images and souvenirs of his life after realizing he has a photo of himself, every year he'd been alive.

That awesome, green electric chair....wrrrrrrrrr

Had a story for everything.

Saved my life in 86. At the Expo, Swear to god, held onto the back of my pants as the parachute ride dropped as I was trying to take a fancy picture, if I remember correctly, with one of those new fandangled rectangular cameras? 

When I was 6 he brought me to the hospital and got me 24 creamsicles after I split my head open in a BMX wipeout. Still got the scars to prove it, and a creamsicle addiction....

Sneezed like ODIN HIMSELF!

Grampa and Great Grampa to many kids.

At my cousin christopher's wedding in washington state in 2004?...We were chillin, enjoying a beer at the reception, there were quite a lot of people. Grampa leaned over and said: "You know, If I never moved to B.C. none of these people would be here right now." LOL. Yup. One decision can change a lot of directions. 

Wise as he was funny. He will be missed. 91 years. I only hope I can last that long.

Love you Grampa.
