$o It's Christmas eve morning, and all through my house
not a creature is stirring cuz I let the cats outside
Okay Foreal, For me?, Christmas is not so bad. Somtimes I get a little carried away with bashing this time of year. They should be allowed to have their fun and celebrate in their own way ($$$)
By"They"I mean the corporations andby "Celebrate" I mean, Neuter the meaning of "X-mas" completely and push, push, push, for us to spend, spend, spend...
It's only because the true meaning has been altered so intensely ($$$) that we sometimes forget that true meaning altogether. (???)
In my opinion the Christmas season is the one time of year where almost everyone gets the inkling to be grateful and give and help out. And that is so good. Every little bit of goodness helps. But, I cannot help but wonder what would happen if every season where the Christmas season.
Some people say it's all about Family. Some say it's all about the baby Jesus. Some say bah humbug. I say the same thing I always say..."WHERES MY FUCKIN PRESENTS!?" just kiddin.
All I want is socks. HA! There we have it.
The true meaning of Christmas....Socks baby!