and make them mean different
things in different ways
This is just random,
off the top of my head nonsensical fun.
I spew the words and make some
anagrams with them
and color them randomly
Then I use those words
to make another poem
It's like I'm Pastiching myself
So here we go
tear signal forward
i crave slices
i desire to draw trees to
write poetry to write poetry
to draw breaths and teeth
these carve my inkways
swaying with mouth open
words spat out like shells
of words scribbled onwards
in times my sword fell
and shattered with hatred
this, they smite with and play with
darted and destined and dressed up in
book ends with taps and spouts
and open mouths like southern mouths
for pouring out a sheet to sign
your tongue gets stuck and papercuts
us and them, grouping together
covering our stinging wounds
and we're all craving carvings
wound up faces retarded shapes
us and them, pouring eachother
safe from distorted stories
only to be filled up again
tear slices draw trees
i desire to draw in my mouth
like words in hatred
dressed up with mouths like mouths
for paper and wounds
we're all faces pouring each other
safe, only,
signal to, to the breaths words with us
swaying shells book taps up
i write, write out my shattered
and pouring tongue, together, craving them
to be filled
to carve with this they darted
open to cuts grouping
covering carvings from stories
trees, breaths, destined shapes again
forward these scribbled times
with spouts out, our distorted only
fun huh?
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