Saturday, 21 August 2021

7.6 billion people, and rising


collecting moments                                                        
all my life                                                                       
connecting life                                                                
with all my moments                                                    

morning moves me                                                         
moving mellow
humid clouds sweep slow
thick with hubris

serious dew
laurentian summer
hidden away
in the north

a paradise of green
arboreal dreams 
pining for pine
and birch

linden and poplar
maple and cedar
blueberry bushes
my dog
hazy sun
lighting strangely
fires burning
far away

Earth slows down
just for a few minutes
as the mist touches my eyes
collecting in the corners

so quiet
so peaceful
vast forests
proud fog
creeping slowly
marching through the branches
sunrise pushing them along

the only human
on this tiny patch of Earth
admiring the erratics
listening to them

they tell me stories
i tell them mine
they listen
and remember me


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