Monday, 28 February 2011

Sandwiches, chips and cold Gatorade.

Siamese, portuguese, dirty knees-look at these, rookies around us, aren't you glad you found us? Now if you are who you say you are, get up here to the bar. We'll plot out a plan to take down the man. We'll start with that new future superstore and steal all their decorative rocks, and fight all their rent-a-cops. And for the freeway maintainers who assist our escape, we've got sandwiches, chips and cold Gatorade. We'll expose all the bicyclists who really are DUI students who can't drive their cars. And we'll take stucco dust and wet drywall sludge, combine it just right to make Fuck the Valley Fudge. Applebee's, Chuck E. Cheese, dirty deeds-don't you see? Fuck the Valley Fudge, it's my hate and my love. Nepalese, antifreeze, calories-can't you see? Fuck the Valley Fudge, it's my hate and my love. Fuck the Valley Fudge, it's my hate and my love. Fuck the Valley Fudge, my hate and my love, Fuck the Valley Fudge, Fuck the valley .... Fudge

Sunday, 27 February 2011

temps de balcon 1687 (in haiku series)

clothes dry quietly
outside is melting fast
ides of march approach

it has been 5 years
william adapting to
his environment

spring is coming soon
the doors will all be open
and air will come fresh

friends (in haiku series)

me will always be
your good place at now right time
cool rest shine my life

worry little not
what our future has in store
we'll all see secrets

hold onto this hand
knowing you have me until
the end of time friend

i can give to us
some life and take the bullet
through my soft hard chest

friends until an end
no matter where we may sit
we forever love

More Noisy Ghosts


Friday, 25 February 2011

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


I sought my soul,
but my soul I could not see.
I sought my God,
but my God eluded me.
I sought my brother
and found all three.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

don't wanna hear about it (sharing amazing)

rhythmic misbehavers jumping on soft beds

no structure (sonnet 14)

creating new unending spoiler view
see subtitles in other formats now
read between the line versions unhappy
unending understates understanding
rhythmic misbehavers jump on soft beds
bongos with broomsticks breaking out skincells
tapping into some head pulling out talks
advancing beats destroy free buzz towers
breathing leads to other things can begin
enjoying some "for real" flow of pure air
concentrate next being cold air inside
steel lungs fill up soon (try) hold it all in
exhaler pause bather of their applause
submerged in cool worlds talking with free gods

look up here

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Where Monsters Rest (Sonnet 13)

Being on the edge of the depression
balancing neatly on the stratosphere.
Belligerent against brutality
begging some kind of expressionism.
Behemoth monsters riding on cave stones.
Big stalagtites, big stalagmites, reknown.
Bring our mouth of their cave its drinking well.
Bastard beasts bury their heads in the sand
betraying drinkers bestial bodies
bloated on rivers of unfortunates
bleeding down bloody bad estuaries
brooding with branches of trees for their fire.
Believe my words, what I said, what I meant.
Beds of monsters are beds of malcontent.

at the sound of a bell now

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


clear as an azure day of blue-est summer
no wonder
obvious things give way to ideas melting
typical neat folded clean
make it all the way in
first we all
ever to fail and feel
fall off of the earth
caught in orbit
you take hold of the rings
and sad help me
impressed and dressed
i'm there

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Saturday, 12 February 2011

My Antfarm (words from an assassin/alter ego/evil genius... years ago)

I had a fight with gravity today. I lost but I put up a good fight. Gravity is not as tough as you think. I fancy garlic mashed potatoes with a hint of real lemon and cracked pepper and lots of butter...hidden away inside the pile of masshhh. Gravity and pepper and mashed potatoes? That calls for a mess now doesn't it!? I want to jerk off inside the MIR space station. Is that so much to ask!? Before you count my teeth, please give me back my razors...bugger. Have I sinned too many times? How long does it take this revengance? Butter me up like those taters, because I need to feel like I taste good. I asked this guy for a favour once, to watch over my antfarm while I was on a heist/recovery/job, J-O-B. I came home and there he was, covering them with chocolate. The ants were having fun until they were bitten in halves and then quarters, only to become a chocolatey mess of antgoo and hershey fondue, soooo I shot him. Double tap to the chest and once more right in the head. Stupid freaky, eating my antfarm. nice one genius!

Anyone know where i can find some good carpeting?


Dictated but not read...

Friday, 11 February 2011

with (in haiku series)

with wonderful wish
once unified in theory
incredible dish

transmit natural
happiness understanding
as quick as i can

eat the wonderful
we are licking all our plates
tasting what is life

with my heart i feel
and with my tongue i can taste
what there is to make

Monday, 7 February 2011

Guitarman (Sonnet 12)

Tune yourself into all that is around
your world to your small smiling desire
no matter so whatever it may be
it will matter whatever it may be.
Write yourself onto leaves upon the ground
buried in the snow covering the grass
hidden in the dirt frozen from the sun
in the moonlight. (whatever it may be)
Play yourself slowly and faster with sound
echoing your small smiling desire
off of walls inside your head through your mouth.
Matter vibrates while your voice compliments.
Whatsoever it may be, it's matter.
So whatever be it may, it matters.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

take a moment (in haiku series)

only you can do
what you want to be doing
now in this moment

i don't say we all
should all be misbehaving
just look like you could

if you continue
to be happy each moment
moments never change

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

i wait for the 13th of April

cells (in haiku series)

the legacy calls
on all your cellular walls
feeling for hot spots

combining all thought
reproducing thralls of cells
DNA bookshelf

clear your mind and chant
your nam myoho renge kyo
happiness machine

feel free just be good
everything is understood
give it what you would

reproducing it
like cells in the atmosphere
connecting so clear

no more tarnished mirror