Sunday, 11 October 2015

Our Us (In Haiku Series)

days come then they go
yesterdays fall tomorrow's
halls tumble for time

hold souls closer when
encountered throughout this dream
those whose hearts explode

silent moments pray
our vast universe obeys
every beckon call

smiles rebound off stars
to find their way back to us
as our memories

tears absorbed by clouds
cry rain-like soaking young ground
exposed by mind-quakes

fears keep us alive
long enough so differences
become apparent

love however stays
hovering above always
waiting for it's place

unaffected by
physicality of life
transcending starlight

gravity can not
compare his forces to ours
for we are our 'us'

it can only fall
like time folds origami
folds the universe

`'cause we are our 'us'
we shall never be folded
we live forever

.........................................for you, Véronique

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